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Cartilage & Bone

Conference 2025

Structural, Functional, Developmental & Evolutionary Insights
of skeletal tissues

10 - 13 June, 2025

Accelerating research, innovation and community-building by uniting two successful meetings exploring animal skeletal diversity:



The CCBB conference 2025 will take a uniquely broad approach to cartilage and bone biology, combining researchers from diverse disciplines including paleontology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, biomineralization, molecular genetics, regeneration and pathology. To build wider concepts in skeletal and dental biology, we will pay particular attention to work on less-studied tissue types, on evolutionary perspectives of skeletal diversity and on less traditional models for skeletal biology (e.g. cartilaginous and ray-finned fishes). Bringing together, in a beautiful location, excellent researchers from varied countries, fields and career stages, CCBB 2025 will foster collaboration, stimulate innovative research, and inspire development of novel approaches to enhance understanding of skeletons in the broadest sense.

We look forward to seeing you in Banyuls!

Collagen, cartilage and bone


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Invited speakers

KEYNOTE speakers

Lynda Bonewald
Lynda Bonewald

Indiana University

Osteocyte biology & function

Founding Director of the Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health. Dr. Bonewald served as director of the Bone Biology Research Program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and is a UM Curators Professor Emeritas, an IU Distinguished Professor and an AAAS Fellow. She studies osteocyte biology, function and cross-talk with muscle.

John Maisey
John Maisey

American Museum of Natural History

Fossilization of shark cartilage

Curator-in-Charge Emeritus at the American Museum of Natural History, Division of Paleontology and Professor, Richard Gilder Graduate School. Dr. Maisey studies extremely rare shark fossils, including some of the earliest shark-like fishes, to discover their origin and subsequent evolution.

David Karasik
David Karasik

Bar-Ilan University

Mineral density, vitamin D & fracture in bone

Professor and head of the Musculoskeletal Genetics Lab, Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University. He aims to understand the function and pathology of complex physiological systems and metabolic processes, to identify genes in complex skeletal trait variation, including bone mass.

Postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Osteology & Biomechanics, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. Her research focus is multiscale imaging of biological tissues and materials, bone quality analysis and fracture, particularly relating to osseous changes with skeletal aging. 

Imke Fiedler
Imke Fiedler

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

Biomechanics & multiscale imaging of skeletal tissues


Conference themes span varied topics, presented in compact oral and poster sessions to emphasize multi-disciplinarity and avoid topic ‘saturation’. We aim for a program diverse in career stage, study system and discipline, with invited speakers chosen for their ability to convey “big picture” views in skeletal biology. Each day will wrap up with a roundtable discussion, synthesizing the cutting edge cartilage and bone research presented and framing “big picture” views in skeletal biology as the research community moves forward. Roundtable discussions and social events will provide additional avenues of interaction. 
Coming soon!


The conference will have low registration charge: we currently estimate €100 for students, €300 for others. Coffee breaks and lunch are included, as well as an evening wine tasting event. Participants will pay for their own dinners, airfare and housing, however student and young career researchers can apply for housing support (information coming soon!).


Astatoreochromis alluaudi cichlid tooth x-ray

REGISTRATION & Abstract submission

Abstract submission is open, deadline March 16!

All CCBB attendees will present their work, either as a poster or oral presentation, but CCBB only has space for 100 attendees. Abstract acceptance is therefore subject to availability and approval of the organizing committee. CCBB is an integrative conference aimed at a broad audience - please write your abstracts with maximum accessibility in mind! 

Oral presentation: 20 minutes

(15-minute talk + 5 minutes questions)

Poster size

A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm, portrait)

Abstracts should be ≤300 words, with a ≤15-word title

Contact us with questions


Sponsors & FUNDERS

SFBD logo
Pôle Agriculture Environnement Biodiversité logo

Please contact us with interest in sponsoring the event

Company of Biologists logo

Division of Vertebrate Morphology (DVM)

Gans Logo-02_edited_edited.png

Division of Comparative Biomechanics (DCB)

BI Stiftung Logo, blau, RGB 300 dpi WEBSITES.JPG


Mélanie Debiais-Thibaud

Melanie Debiais-Thibaud

Université de Montpellier logo

Montpellier University


Eckhard Witten

Eckhard Witten

Ghent University

Ghent University


CityU of Hong Kong logo
Mason Dean

Mason Dean

City University (Hong Kong)

Ghent University
Ann Huysseune

Ann Huysseune

Ghent University



Université de Montpellier logo
Camille Martinand-Mari



Fanny Gagliardi



Virginia Panara





The Conference will be at the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer (Avenue du Fontaulé, 66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer, France). 

The Observatoire was founded in 1881 to study marine and terrestrial Mediterranean coast ecosystems. It is supported by Université Paris-Sorbonne, the French national center for research (CNRS) and belongs to the European Marine Biological Resources Center (EMBRC). The OOB offers 3 lab rooms, a large lecture hall (120 persons), 3 conference rooms (25-40 persons) and a poster exhibition space. It includes a public aquarium for outreach and a research-dedicated working space. Wireless internet and catering are available on-site. 


All accommodations, from small hotels to spas, can be found at the city website:

Please book your room ASAP, once you hear if your abstract is accepted - Banyuls is a top destination for holidays.

30 rooms are already booked at the Observatory Accommodation. Students and young career researchers will have priority to access the low-cost housing solution (booked at Registration).

Some local hotels will offer conference rates - we will pass on their contact information once abstracts are accepted. See some hotels listed in the 'Maps' link.


Banyuls is a little town on the French coast and does not have its own airport. The venue is, however, accessible from several international airports with train connection to Banyuls: Perpignan (40km, train 30 mins, 8€), Montpellier (200km, 2h, 30€), Toulouse (250km, 3h, 40€), Barcelona (200km, 3h, 50€). Airport shuttles are also available.

Travel info+Contact

Please contact us with any questions or interest in sponsoring the event!

Thanks for message! We will contact you ASAP.

Site images: Banyuls images © OOB; Tissue images © the organizers & Michael Blumer. Please do not use without permission.
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